Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bowling at Lanes and Games

I went bowling tonight at Lanes and Games. This is the retro bowling alley near Alewife Station. I went to see what a bowling alley looked like on a sleepy Sunday.

To my surprise the place was hopping. I had to wait about an hour before I could bowl (and I was by myself). I learned that most of the lanes were being used by bowling leagues. Since they had a restaurant/lounge, I killed the time there, sipping at a Bud Light, watching some good frames. By the time I got to play, it felt like going to an amusement park and waiting an hour for a two-minute roller coaster ride. It took me less than ten minutes to bowl my 105.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Photo 20.jpg

Photo 20.jpg

Dirty Secrets Shared with Strangers...

My card is the one that says "I hold my co-workers in contempt and have told no one..." Just kidding about that contempt: I love you guys really...

Monday, February 14, 2005

state of the world

okay, first of all... how do you miss a butcher knife? and second of all... do people really take butcher knives on blind dates???

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Extreme Makeover

You think you know what Tanya Harding looks like? You're probably wrong.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tagless T-Shirts

My wife picked up some new T-shirts for me a few days ago. To my amazement, these tees didn't have tags. Instead, the boilerplate information (size, material, washing instructions) is imprinted directly on the shirt, leaving nothing but smooth cotton on my neck. Tonight, I'm wearing one of these for the first time. I dribbled some dinner on mine already. I don't care. These tees make me happy.

I wonder why we can't ever seem to get the HELL out of dodge for lunch? It's going to be warm, in the balmy 40s... If only we could ditch the f'n tea party in the cafeteria and go to McGann's that would be WONDERFUL! I'll bet this is never going to happen... Time to dunk the dormouse in the teapot...

Friday, February 04, 2005


Today I had my fifth and last burrito of the week. Five burritos in a row!

I mentioned this to Jenn, my wife, and she made the "ewwwww" face. "That's disgusting!" she said. That's a fair reaction, I suppose. But what about this last burrito as a testament to goal-setting? As a testament to perseverance? Not to mention the fact that my stomach can still withstand five heavy lunches in a row? Eating the same lunch every day requires a certain spartan mentality, perhaps similar to the mind-set in working on a doctorate, saving money for a big purchase, preparing for a marathon, practicing a complex musical piece, or staying at a long-term relationship. Five burritos may just be five burritos, but I think it's a little more than that.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


My burrito was pretty good today. Even distribution of sauces? Yes. Right ratio of beans to rice? Yes. A nice relatively clean burrito. I found it ironic because I ate lunch alone, so having a messy one wouldn't have mattered.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Today is day three of my five-day burrito week.

My burrito today was a little uneven and bean heavy. By uneven, I mean that the first-quarter to first-half of the burrito didn't have any bites of guacamole or sour cream. That makes the start of my meal a little dry, but, in general, I'm all right with unevenness. It usually means that the last half of my burrito is creamier. But when a burrito is bean heavy, it means that every bite causes the remaining burrito to expand beyond some tortilla-breaking threshold, causing tears and rips that result in a messy experience. I'm not all right with that. Lots of finger licking and wiping down of my eating surface. This kind of burrito requires a few more napkins than I usually grab from the dispenser (I usually grab two). And a bean heavy burrito is simply more filling. It's hard to finish, and then it sits in you a little longer into the afternoon. No afternoon snack for me, I guess. I wonder if tomorrow's will be a little better. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Billions of billions of posts...

Billions of billions of posts...

...If Carl was still alive, I wonder if he'd be bummed that he didn't
make any money on the google ipo...

I mean he did popularize the brand name for crying out loud people!
Throw a dog a bone!

However, I'm sure he'd be psyched that we named a 3m plot of rock and
dirt on a barren lifeless world after him...



Today is day two of my five-day burrito week. I actually took some perfectly fine leftovers from last night and put it in the freezer for next week. I'm undergoing a test of my gastrointestinal fortitude. I intend to see it through.

Watch Out

antsinmypants has entered the forum....